Spring Oaks Civic Association - Spring Branch, Houston, TX
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Neighborhood Car Break-Ins

Posted by Grissett Alan (agrissett) on Jun 10 2010
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It was reported this morning that two (2) cars on Bayram were broken into and ransacked last night. If this happened to you or someone you know, please file a report with HPD by calling the non-emergency line or the Long Point storefront. Here is the contact information for both: http://www.springoaks.org/pages/resources/law-enforcement.html

To prevent this from happening, here are some reminders:

â–  At night always park in a well lighted area
â–  Make sure the vehicle's windows are rolled up before parking.
â–  At home, make sure your garage door is kept down. If your vehicle is parked in your driveway, make sure that the keys are removed, the windows are up, and the doors are locked.
â–  Do not leave valuables in plain sight in the passenger area of your vehicle. Also, do not leave any bags, backpacks, or any items used for storage - even if they are empty. Thieves will enter a car just to check these items to see if there is anything worthwhile stealing.
â–  Secure valuables, purses included, in the trunk area of your vehicle. While doing this keep a constant visual on your surroundings.
â–  Do not leave “spare” change out in the open. To many, this change can be a small fortune.
â–  If your vehicle is equipped with a removable face plate for the stereo, remove and secure it whenever possible.
â–  If your vehicle has a GPS system or radar detector, remove not only the unit but the attachments when not in use. Thieves will look for the attachments and break in to look for the actual units even if the units themselves are not visible.

Alan Grissett
Project Coordinator
Publicity Committee Chairperson
Spring Oaks Civic Association

Last changed: Jun 11 2010 at 4:00 AM



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